Whether you are someone that is just getting into the sport of running or it’s your first time running regularly in Florida, the idea of running out in the cold weather can be a bit daunting. Even so, a majority of runners are always willing to throw on some layers and get in the miles. So, if it’s your first year running outdoors, what can you do to prepare for running in the low temperatures that you can guarantee Winter Park will have in the weeks and months to come? Well, the team at AFM Healthcare is going to go over a few of the essentials. Let’s jump right in.


One of the things that you always want to do when running is warm up. If you’re someone that likes to jump right into the primary run, this is something that you don’t want to skip when temperatures start to drop. We suggest spending roughly five to ten minutes warming up inside of your house in the form of stretching and running in place. This will prepare your muscles for the shock of temperatures outside, but will also make it so that you can get straight to running the minute you step outside your front door.


As we mentioned earlier, layering up is one of the many things that you can do to ensure that you are warm for the duration of your run. With that being said, you don’t want to layer up random pieces of clothes, you want to be wise about it. That is why we suggest a breathable material as your base layer (that way you can sweat), with something warm like wool on top. This will help to maintain your heat while also providing your body with the opportunity to breathe as it sweats during your run.


The layers that you wear aren’t the only thing that will help to keep you warm. At times, the accessories that you add to your running wear will make a bigger difference than your layers. Two of the most common and necessary types of gear that you need to have on hand will be a hat and a pair of gloves. These two items will ensure that your hands remain warm and that your ears stay tucked in and warm. Though it may not seem like a huge difference, it can definitely change how comfortable you feel while out running.


A majority of the time, when temperatures drop, the ground is going to be slick. This is another thing that you’re going to want to account for as you prepare for your run. Whether it’s ice, snow, or even just frost, you need a shoe that’s going to be able to dig into this top layer of the ground so that you don’t slip and fall. Depending on the conditions outside, a typical running shoe should suffice, but if you plan on running in the snow for the entirety of the season, it may be worth it to look into footwear that is specifically made for these types of conditions.


As with any run, you want to make sure that you’re challenging yourself while still staying within healthy limits. Even if you’re working on pushing yourself and reaching new goals, you need to be able to recognize when your body is telling you that it’s had enough. This is especially important when running in cold weather because of how your body can react to the low temperatures. We suggest starting out with a mileage that you’re familiar with and working your way up. By doing this, you can get familiar with what your body is and isn’t capable of in this weather and figure out your steady pace. Even if you are a runner that’s been ran in these conditions before, every season is different, which is exactly why you want to build up your pace at a slow and steady rate.


The team at AFM Healthcare is dedicated to your health. If you have questions, are in need of guidance, or you need some guidance on things you can do to improve your lifestyle, you can count on our staff to help. Reach out to our team and let us get your appointment scheduled and any questions that you may have, answered.

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